Monday, 23 September 2013

The Herd

The Herd
Bush Theatre  
18 September 

They are strong and stubborn, this clan,
hiding their suffering and struggle
for an age until it must erupt in anger
and the fear of loss.
Here is the breaking point of old, worn lives
and new beginnings, men who stand up tall
or who, weak in their hearts and legs,
stumble in pitfalls; men with their strength in words,
poetry, promises.
Here are the hearts of women, bitter, hard,
ready to fight at any moment
for the thing they love, or stuck in limbo
of their own slow grief and grudge. 
The Herd runs at The Bush Theatre until 26 October 

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The Man Who Planted Trees

Southbank Centre
31 August

Into a place of craggy lavender and scrub 
you came, with your tree fingers 
and your quiet way, living alone
and planting day by day ten thousand acorns 
that will grow into a sweet, green army
of oak trees, their roots ferrying water, 
their leaves casting long shadows, their shade 
a lovely resting place at last for an old man 
and his old dog to lie, their hearts content, 
their eyes still bright, the dog still sharp 
at the trick of a bone or stick, his tail thumping 
in the same old way, ears alert, nose wet.

The Man Who Planted Trees, by Puppet State Theatre Company
is now on tour until 26 October