Friday, 10 January 2014


New Diorama Theatre
7 January 2014

In Elsinore a brooding
boyish prince, flippant
and fey, fumbles with

murder, on his knees
before a flickering
once-was king and father.

Hamlet by Faction Theatre runs at the New Diorama until 22 February

Thursday, 2 January 2014

The Elephantom

The Elephantom
The Shed, National Theatre
31 December

Over and on they rush,
toothbrush and toast, without
a second spare for their
so-hopeful little girl, the star
she won at school or all the stories
that she always longs
to tell. How often is it thus,
that in the gaps their parents
fail to fill, a child builds
an airy elephant, cloud-like
and blue, a secret friend,
a mischievous, messy foe?

The Elephantom runs at the National Theatre Shed until 11 January

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens Museum
21 December

In Dickens' house, in long black coat
and hat, at Christmastime
by flickering candlelight, old Scrooge,
the miser, meets his moaning match,
and learns to set his mean old world aright.


New Diorama Theatre
20 December

Within the wood, traces
of the past that you
would rather leave behind.

Gizmo Love

Gizmo Love
New Diorama Theatre
20 December

Everything I write
is about wanting her
more than anything.