Monday, 23 July 2012

Henry V

Hampstead Theatre
20 July

London is beset with histories this year,
a summer of Henrys and Richards –
if you can call it a summer.

Here is the manliest, awash with blood
and beer, music and muscle,
played out on a stage of chainmail,

punchbags and clanking metal.
The battles race, the pace set
by a marching band, a beating drum,

the shouts of men and rousing swell of song.
The man himself is strong as oxen,
chiselled, quakeless as a king,

and in his merry band is wit and fire,
saunter and swagger, as if their troop
had been a hundred strong.

Henry V, by Propeller, ran at Hampstead Theatre until 21 July.

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